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Are you Steiner trained and interested in working with us?

We are always open for passionate educators who understand childhood is a serious and important part of human development. If you have the skills and a genuine interest for anthroposophy, please call us on (03)9699-1913, or email

- Consistent full-time team to support you with the following:

Organisation of documentation, KIM data entry, producing class lists, rosters, staff recruitment, children's enrolments, all dissemination of parent and festival correspondence, emergency drills, planning cycle, Assessment and Rating visits, parent education talks/workshop etc.

- Be part of an energetic, dynamic staff team full of enthusiasm and innovation, 2 breaks per day, resources are provided willingly to provide the ideal program you aim to create for the children, heavily discounted Weleda products, inclusive multi-cultural staff team, 10mins on tram to the city, 30-minute walk to the beach, childcare/kindergarten fees large discount for staff.

- Teacher Professional Development with Patries Orange and Dr. Lakshmi in house on a yearly basis.

- Other activities at the centre:

Steiner early childhood training onsite, anthroposophical nursing workshops/ individual treatments, creative discipline workshops, talks on nutrition, child development, sleep and lots more. We are a vibrant, thriving community looking forward to working with you to develop your emerging skills.

Wage: Above Children's Services Award (2010) depending on experience and training. Call to discuss.

Qualifications: Cert 3 or Diploma in Early Childhood Education; Steiner Education background essential.

Essential: Enthusiasm, warmth, openness and love for children together with an active commitment to one's own personal and professional development. Willingness and a genuine interest in studying Steiner education and anthroposophy.

Resumes: Please call our office on (03)9699-1913, or email with your CV and motivation letter.


Our two kindergartens are mix aged groups of 3-5 year old children. 

The mixed aged group more closely resemble a family which complements our centre philosophy that attempts to create a more homelike 

environment for the children. 


Our program is designed to meet each child where they are at developmentally as an individual.  While the program for the two age groups is essentially

the same, children participate in the program according to their interests, needs and skill level and consequently have a different learning experience.


The role of the teacher is to be aware of the children in their care and have appropriate expectations thus programming experiences or activities to meet children’s individual differences.

3 to 5 YEAR OLD

Phone:   03 9699 1913    -    Email:   -   Address:  45 Ferrars Place, South Melbourne - VIC 3205
Our Kindergarten program is supported by the Victorian Government (Free kinder payments are applied to 3 and 4 yr old kindergarten family invoices).

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